Federation Flutter: Inspirational Women
What is it?
A monthly draw where entrants will be randomly allocated the name of an inspirational woman. These international women represent all sectors of society and ages. Some will be familiar to you, whilst others may not be so well-known. Perhaps researching your inspirational woman and telling your WI members about her could be the focus of one of your meetings?
The Federation Flutter will run from January – December each year, with twelve monthly draws. You can however join at any time during the year by paying a pro-rata payment.
Why should I join?
There will be cash prizes every month!
A nominal amount is retained by FEWI to cover the costs of operating the scheme. Winners of each draw will be notified by post, and results published in Essex News.
How do I join?
Please complete the slip on the form below and return it to the WI Centre (address as above) along with your fee of £24 for the year, (or pro rata for the number of months left i.e. joining in May 8 x £2.00 = £16.00) and a stamped, addressed envelope.
If you are already a member and you renew, you will continue with your existing Inspirational Woman.