WI Advisers
The role of WI Advisers is to support and guide our WIs, whether they be new or long standing ones, whilst promoting the WI to the wider population. To fulfil this role, they take part in a national training scheme. If you want a new challenge that takes you beyond your own WI and broadens your horizons, please read on. We are looking for women with life experience to train as Advisers. Every Adviser brings their own unique style, personality, and knowledge to this voluntary role which has a strong focus on WI Governance and Membership. You will be working with members to make the most of their WI. You will receive comprehensive blended training for the role, which is designed to offer you the necessary flexibility to fit into your busy lifestyle.
To find out more about how you become an Adviser, or to discuss the role further, please contact us at fedsec@essexwi.org.uk.
Our current WI Advisers are listed here. If you have any queries, please contact fedsec@essexwi.org.uk