The FEWI Centre in Terling is open Mon-Thursday 8am-3pm.

WI Centre
Terling Road
Hatfield Peverel
Essex CM3 2AG
01245 382233

For information on subscriptions, please click here to go to our Membership Information page

Essex Federation covers a huge geographical area, from the more industrial south, along the beautiful coastline and into the more rural villages in the north of the county. We are one of the largest Federations with approximately 6,500 members in over 150 Institutes

The WI Centre is in Hatfield Peverel, easily accessible from the A12, not far from our County City of Chelmsford.

WI meetings usually follow a pattern, meeting monthly in either in the morning, afternoon or evening with a speaker or demonstrator, followed by refreshments with time to socialize. Information on forthcoming events within the WI are discussed as well as news from County and National Federations on events, current campaign issues, competitions and items relating to activities within Essex. Many WIs also meet during the month for more specialist activities often a book or lunch club, rambling, craft group or a choir or drama section.

The Aim of the WI is:

To offer opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn, to widen their horizons and together to influence local, national and international affairs.

About the Women’s Institute:

The Women’s Institute started in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada in 1897 as a ‘self help’ group for farmer’s wives. Adelaide Hoodless’s youngest child had died from drinking contaminated milk and she was determined that it shouldn’t happen to other children. She set up the Women’s Institute with the aim of educating and supporting its members which is a tradition the WI upholds to-day. Since its inception the WI has been non-sectarian and non-party political. However, as the largest women’s organisation in the country, we are a force to be reckoned with and continually campaign for changes and improvements to the position of women and that of their families. We pride ourselves on the fact that all members pay the same subscription and are equal in all ways.

Margaret Robertson Watt brought the idea of WI to Great Britain in 1915 and the first meeting was held on September 16th in Lanfairpwll on the Isle of Anglesey. Subscription to the WI was set at 2/- (10 pence).

The organisation spread quickly throughout England and Wales and The Federation of Essex Women’s Institutes, FEWI, was formed in 1917 and now has more than 165 WIs with some 6,500 plus members. Both Scotland and Northern Ireland have similar organisations in The Scottish Rural Women’s Institute and the Northern Ireland WI.

We are a limited company with Charitable status and are governed by our written Constitution. The Board of Trustees, consists of up to14 WI members who are elected by the membership biennially. It is their responsibility to oversee the day-to-day running of the organisation. Click here for details about the current Board of Trustees.