WI Centenary 2015

The Centenary Baton started its journey in January 2014 from Anglesey and will continue through all Federations who will hold the Baton for one week until it reaches its final destination at the London AM in June 2015
The Essex Federation will hold the Baton from 25th November to 2nd December 2014, various celebrations will be taking place in the County as follows:-
Tuesday 25th November Essex Federation receives the Baton from Suffolk East Federation.
- Wednesday 26th November – Chelmsford
- Thursday 27th November – Colchester
- Friday 28th November – Southend
- Saturday 29th November – Basildon/Brentwood
- Sunday 30th November – Saffron Walden
- Monday 1st December – WI centre where the Baton will be ‘resting’ before the Finale, any members who have not had the opportunity to see the Baton are welcome to come and see it before its departure.
- Tuesday 2nd December – Tilbury Grand Finale before passing on to Kent-West Kent Federation.
The Board of Trustees hope to welcome as many members as possible at each of the above events. Full details to follow and of course will be available through Essex News.
Centenary Link – Photo competition
As part of the Centenary Baton Celebrations Essex Federation is running a photographic competition. Open to members with a prize for the winning entry!
Can you describe Essex in a picture; it can be anything from a building to a scene or a person, as long as it depicts Essex.
Pictures must be received electronically and the best 12 will be copied onto a Memory stick and placed within the Baton
Entries must be received at the WI centre by 9th September 2014 – Good Luck all you budding photographers!